a pencil illustration of myself generated using AI

Hey, there! I'm Saulo.

I hope you are having a wonderful day :)

There was a time when I was driven by a passion for coding. Something about the ability to create things out of words spoke to me. I would be pretty happy just to see that there was a new thing in the world, a thing that I created!

Now, as Chief Technology Officer at Toki Labs, I’m driven by the power of technology to transform lives, and make a difference in the world. Code became a tool for transformation, as AI is becoming now. My drive, my passion, and my concern today, is to use my time and skills wisely, and make sure the changes I make are in fact positive.

Sometimes that’s as simples and contributing to an open-source project, sometimes it means getting out of my desk to do something in the physical world.

Years coding professionally
Repositories on Github

Open-source Projects I’ve Contributed To

But my favorite thing is…

To learn and help other people learn

I’m always trying to optimize how I learn and that led me to launch a mentorship program for disadvantaged individuals, helping them become developers by teaching them how to learn.

With over 50 mentees, I’ve witnessed the impact of teaching others to become self-learners and problem-solvers. Empowering people to unlock their potential has been a deeply rewarding experience.

Last Roles

I thrive in complexity

Instead of getting overwhelmed by the combinatorial explosion of possibilities that comes with any sufficiently complex system, I get excited with the opportunity to fit all the pieces together and find solutions where there seems to be none.

I do that both for software and for social projects,
and that’s why I sometimes say that I’m a “Social Alchemist”.

I apply Game Theory to social issues, and I firmly believe that by understanding the motivations of individuals and groups, we can create positive-sum games that benefit everyone. This mindset has helped me solve problems and build strong relationships, both personally and professionally.


I have worked with some amazing people!

“Saulo and I worked on the same project, with him being the Product Chief Architect responsible for the overall product quality.

He brought deep understanding of the whole product architecture (and Chute was a fairly complex product), and improved stability and predictability in some rough times after the product was acquired and imported into the new operating model.

Saulo proved to be versatile and very reliable person to work with.”

Predrag Marić
Software Engineer | Engineering Manager | Co-Founder at Digi Klinci

“Saulo is a brillant developer, he always came to me with new ideas and techniques about web programming and software quality. Our exciting discussions about web projects and future of the web helped me to have a better understanding of this field. I can highlight his great javascript and object-oriented programming skills.”

Allan Denot
Co-founder at NX1.io and DNX Solutions

“I have worked with Saulo, during almost four years, by the time his company was at technology incubator of Instituto Gênesis - PUC Rio. Saulo is a very experience programmer that know how to create quality code that embraces clientes demands. He has all the attributes to became a great CTO. Besides that, he is a tech professional with business perspective.”

Sergio Yates
Early stage investor | Venture capitalist | Board member | Occasional lecturer
“Saulo did a great job as an experienced product architect in a project that we worked together in. He managed to accomplish very difficult code migration tasks in a short period of time for a big and high-loaded system. And he did that without service disruption. I would definitely recommend him as a professional you can count on.”
Andrey Asoskov
Cloud Infrastructure Architect

“Saulo é o que chamo de geniozinho. Ele é o tipo de pessoa que não existe barreias e que além de ótimas ideias elas são sempre acima do tempo e inovadoras. Recomendo o Saulo a qualquer empresa que precise se renovar e de alguém que irá fazer o que muitos não conseguem ou irão demorar para isso.”

Vicente Campello
Information Systems Team Leader at Pembrokeshire College

“I had the opportunity to work with Saulo at Cleanify, a startup based in the San Francisco Bay Area. He is very detail-oriented and incredibly knowledgeable on his field of work. Saulo spearheaded the initiative of migrating our codebase to Typescript and other newer architectures at the time. He was also a major contributor in the engineering team, translating the business needs into actionable and measurable tasks. Finally, Saulo is an extremely fun person to be around. We always had a blast working with him even in the face of the greatest adversities!”

Gabriel Reis
Technical Lead @ Yat Labs

“Saulo is the kind of employee that you can count on for anything. He knows a little bit about marketing, business, strategie, (a lot) about IT, and will learn really fast any new matter that surfs over his face. He is true enterpreneur, a team worker and a risen leader.”

Sabrina Zanker
General Manager | Managing Director | Country Leader

Did we work together
and you are happy about it?

I'll be forever grateful 🙇🏻

But life is more than work

In addition to my technical pursuits, I enjoy exploring the complexities of life through poetry and music.

Ultimately, my diverse interests, experiences, and love for creating positive change shape who I am as a professional and a person. I am eager to continue leveraging technology, teaching, and creative thinking to transform at least a small part of the world.

So now, you tell me:

Are you here to invite me for our next adventure?

Get in Touch and let's talk!


  • Founder and CTO

    Toki Labs

    nov de 2022 - current role

    I accomplished a few things I’m really proud of here, aligning the company values with the development strategy. The low budget imposed a series of constraints that required a creative approach to staffing, development strategy and process optimization, and revenue increase.

    • For staffing I Launched a mentorship program, attracting over 50 participants, leading to 5 full-time hires at low cost and facilitating 30+ to find a job in software development, reflecting our commitment to social impact.

    • As a development strategy, I engineered Uisl, a proprietary UI specification language, optimizing our internal design to development workflow, resulting in at least a 50% reduction in specification time, compared to what I’ve seen in other software houses.

    • To increase our revenue without outside investment, I expanded the idea of optimizing the UI development from Uisl to the Design Phase, via a subscription-based Figma plugin called CVA. The plugin encapsulates a new design process I’ve named “Controlled Generative Design”. Using a rule-based semantic AI, the plugin reduces the time to create Design Systems by at least 70%, some tasks that used to take hours can be done in minutes.

    Toki Labs now has a solid foundation with some happy clients like Calligo. And with these improvements in place, it is now on track for a profitable year in 2024.I accomplished a few things I’m really proud of here, aligning the company values with the development strategy. The low budget imposed a series of constraints that required a creative approach to staffing, development strategy and process optimization, and revenue increase. • For staffing I Launched a mentorship program, attracting over 50 participants, leading to 5 full-time hires at low cost and facilitating 30+ to find a job in software development, reflecting our commitment to social impact. • As a development strategy, I engineered Uisl, a proprietary UI specification language, optimizing our internal design to development workflow, resulting in at least a 50% reduction in specification time, compared to what I’ve seen in other software houses. • To increase our revenue without outside investment, I expanded the idea of optimizing the UI development from Uisl to the Design Phase, via a subscription-based Figma plugin called CVA. The plugin encapsulates a new design process I’ve named “Controlled Generative Design”. Using a rule-based semantic AI, the plugin reduces the time to create Design Systems by at least 70%, some tasks that used to take hours can be done in minutes. Toki Labs now has a solid foundation with some happy clients like Calligo. And with these improvements in place, it is now on track for a profitable year in 2024.

    Skills: Business Strategy · Optimization · Git · PostgreSQL · Stripe (Software) · Python (Programming Language) · Database Management System (DBMS) · Personal Development · Technical Requirements · Automation · Team Building · Defining Requirements · Fundraising · Prototyping

  • Senior Software Architect

    Truebill - We're Hiring!

    jul de 2019 - mar de 2021

    I joined Rocket Money when it was still called Truebill. Back then, the company didn’t have a well-defined onboarding process, so I decided to change that while I went through my own onboarding, so others wouldn’t have to. I spearheaded a movement towards documentation, and managed to get not only IT, but all departments on board and excited about it. That’s how Tuebill got its full-company wiki on Notion that we all came to depend on.

    Developing at Truebill was a bit different. There, we took charge of a feature from architecture design, to deployment, and monitoring.

    Among other features, I was responsible for the Pay Advance, which integrated our app with Synapse and Stripe to give customers instant pay advances and automatically charge it back when they got their paychecks.

    My work on subscription management there was not like that, though. Subscriptions was a huge subsystem with old code nobody wanted to touch, but that was in desperate need of an update. That is actually where I shine the most: architecture. I can learn and understand a process really fast, and absorb a huge amount of information. On top of that, I actually have fun reorganizing, and optimizing complex systems. So I took it. The result was a more effective subscription management system that surpassed Stripe’s and other tool’s processes in reducing churn and in charge success rates.I joined Rocket Money when it was still called Truebill. Back then, the company didn’t have a well-defined onboarding process, so I decided to change that while I went through my own onboarding, so others wouldn’t have to. I spearheaded a movement towards documentation, and managed to get not only IT, but all departments on board and excited about it. That’s how Tuebill got its full-company wiki on Notion that we all came to depend on. Developing at Truebill was a bit different. There, we took charge of a feature from architecture design, to deployment, and monitoring. Among other features, I was responsible for the Pay Advance, which integrated our app with Synapse and Stripe to give customers instant pay advances and automatically charge it back when they got their paychecks. My work on subscription management there was not like that, though. Subscriptions was a huge subsystem with old code nobody wanted to touch, but that was in desperate need of an update. That is actually where I shine the most: architecture. I can learn and understand a process really fast, and absorb a huge amount of information. On top of that, I actually have fun reorganizing, and optimizing complex systems. So I took it. The result was a more effective subscription management system that surpassed Stripe’s and other tool’s processes in reducing churn and in charge success rates.

    Skills: Git · PostgreSQL · Stripe (Software) · System Performance · Stripe Connect · Database Management System (DBMS) · Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) · Technical Requirements · Automation · Defining Requirements · Scalability · Subscription Management · Prototyping

  • Product Chief Archictet


    mar de 2018 - abr de 2019

    As a PCA I was responsible for coordinating the development and SaaS operations for several products. For most of the time I worked there, that product was called Chute.

    The most challenging thing I did while there was coordinating a team of about 40 people to deliver deep changes to the product in one month, due to Facebook removing the Instagram API.As a PCA I was responsible for coordinating the development and SaaS operations for several products.

    The most challenging thing I accomplished while there was coordinating a team of about 40 people to deliver deep changes to the product in one month, due to Facebook removing the Instagram API.

    Skills: Cross-functional Team Leadership · Technical Requirements · Scalability · System Performance · Automation

  • CTO


    ago de 2017 - fev de 2018

    I helped bring the Doare architecture to a whole new level. We migrated from a Cake PHP application to a microservices based architecture on Node. Given the complexity of the business requirements, most of the services were built using Domain Driven Design, Event Sourcing and CQRS.

    Among other technologies, we used: node, typescript, angular, hapi

  • Chief Software Architect


    abr de 2016 - ago de 2017

    I was hired to help Cleanify migrate the legacy monolithic PHP system to a microservices architecture on Node, using Hapi and written in Typescript. We also re-implemented UIs in React and Vue.js. A couple services required Domain Driven Design, Event Sourcing and CQRS, others were simple REST APIs and one was implemented using GraphQL. It was a lot of work but also really fun!

  • Chief Software Architect and Engineering Manager


    mar de 2013 - jan de 2014

    My first assignment at Sof.to was to define the entire development stack and strategy we would use. The result was a solid foundation which is used to solve very complex problems. It was based on Domain Driven Design, CQRS and Event Sourcing principles. We used C#.Net MVC and Web API on the backend; NHibernate and Entity Framework for persistence with a SQL Server database; Sass, TypeScript and Angular for the user interface.

  • Software Architect


    ago de 2010 - fev de 2013

    I was hired to beat the challenge of single-handedly do in three weeks what the government had give a year for the companies to do: integrate the sales to a national database of electronic receipts. All went all and not even one sale was lost because we weren’t compliant with the new Brazilian law. The next big challenge was to change the entire development stack from a .Net 2.0 webpages setup to the current .Net 4.5 MVC 4 following the Domain Driven Design. And do that without stopping the current demand for maintenance and new features. The benefit this change brought to company is hard to measure, but is certainly enormous in terms of productivity and developer happiness.